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Einstein International Journal Organization(EIJO) is an international Genius Thought journals platform .
JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR) [ ISSN : 2456 - 530X ]
Role of Lehan Karma in Ayurveda and Benefits of Suvarnaprashan in Childrens.

Author Names : Dr. Prachit Vishnu Satav, Dr. Bholane Rajesh Prabhakar  volume 3 Issue 4
Article Overview


Administration of processed gold in children is a unique practice mentioned in Ayurveda as “Suvarna Prashan” by Acharya Kashyapa thousand of year back. Suvarnaprashan is one of the sixteen sanskaras which were described in ancient scriptures. Acharya Kashyapa explained evidently the administration of suvarna in children for the benefits of improving intellect, digestion and metabolism, physical strength, immunity, complexion, fertility and life span. Suvarnaprashan in children mainly implicated in two contexts of Ayurveda;Lehan and Jatkarma Sanskara. Suvarnaprashan means to administer in liquid form with help of honey, ghee, and some herbal medicine.

Kashyapa is described Suvarnaprashana vidhi in detail with its benefits. Suvarnaprashan is such rasayana mentioned in Ayurveda to promote immunity and memory of children. Ayurveda recommends only purified and processed form of gold for internal administration. The age at which suvarnaprashan should be administered and its duration can be determined depending upon the desired effect in children as positive health care programme.

Keywords: Kaumarbhritya, Samskars, Gold Preparation, Suvarnaprashan.

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