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JOURNALS || EIJO Journal of Humanities, Social Affair, Management and Innovative Research (EIJO – JHSAMIR) [ ISSN : 2455 - 927X ]
School-Based Family Counseling and It’s Importance in Promoting Student Well-Being and Academic Success.

Author Names : 1Prof. Dr. Hakan Usakli  Volume 9 Issue 1
Article Overview


The family is the smallest social structure of society. Schools are institutions where individuals acquire certain skills and knowledge. Students may sometimes encounter difficulties in their school life. School and family cooperation is very important in overcoming the difficulties faced by students. This study includes what School-Based Family Counseling is and its importance, which includes providing more comprehensive services for children and their families by integrating "school counseling" and "family counseling" services. In this study, which was designed as a basic qualitative research, domestic and international studies on the subject were examined. He concluded that codes such as guidance, crisis, management, and parent were gathered under the categories of school and family, and these categories were combined under the themes of prevention and intervention. It is seen that Brain Gerard's works come to the fore on the subject. Efforts can be made to expand school-based family counseling, which is common in the West and in the United States, in our country as well. Regarding school-based family counseling, elective courses, and master's programs with and without thesis can be opened in the relevant programs of universities. Parents can be informed about the issue during family meetings within the framework of school-family cooperation.

Keywords: Family Counseling, School Counseling, School-Based Family Counseling, School-Family Relations.

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